I think it is important to know if parents have opened and viewed a student report card. Creating a log or report that would allow teachers/admins to see who has and has not opened the report is very helpful especially when the student has needs that both teachers and parents need to be working toward together.
Any chance at all this is being looked at? Admin has asked about this several times. It's part of the "buy-in" for going digital at all - principals & secretaries often say that parents looked at report cards more often when hard copies were sent home. We know who's seeing and opening our emails announcing report cards are available, but have no way of knowing if/when they're actually viewing them.
Admin needs to feel confident that digital report cards are being seen by parents before PTCs, etc, or at least be able to know that parents are ignoring them.
I agree. I have worked with other programs before that has actually allowed the parent to sign that they have reviewed the report card. That would be another good option.
Administration has asked about this several times - since it's not available, the best we can do is track who's opened/clicked on links in our report card release emails (through Mailchimp, outside of Blackbaud). Would contribute a lot to working with parents, knowing what they've seen, if they're not up to date with where their child's at, etc.
I agree. We are looking for the same information.