Past students and/or past parents need access to their report cards / transcripts

I'd like the ability to allow Past Students/Parents access to Report Cards/Transcripts. Currently, this is not available as an option for Past Parents/Students.
  • Deleted User
  • Aug 7 2015
  • Implemented
  • Jun 28, 2019

    Admin response

    With our 6/26 release, past students/parents can view the new report card builder if the role has been given access to report cards.

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    • Guest commented
      June 28, 2019 19:23


      I am out of the office and will return Monday July 1st. Any urgent
      academic requests should be directed to Academic Dean, Ghada Jaber, at you.Heather Ireland

    • Jamie Hardy commented
      June 16, 2016 13:31

      Alumni can access Report Cards via the Progress Tab when they are logged into the App. Parents of Alumni and Parents of Past Students CAN access Report Cards. If they are logged into the APP and they click their Child's name, there will be a Report Card/Transcript Link. If there is not a link for the Report Card for any of the above roles, follow these steps by marking the checkboxes vs unmarking them for the Alumni, Parent of Alumni, or Parent of Past Student Roles

    • Guest commented
      April 12, 2016 15:01

      We would also welcome this feature.

    • Deleted User commented
      September 18, 2015 15:40

      This is currently in development and as I type this we are testing this functionality.  On the next major release of the products (October 21st) you should be able to see this in the application.