Automated & Manual Attendance Reminders

At the moment, it is the responsibility of Attendance Managers to keep a window open in order to view & refresh to see who hasn't yet submitted attendance - either once during the day (in the case of our Middle School) or once each period (in the case of our Upper School).

It would be extremely helpful to be able to configure two types of attendance reminders:

  1. one configured on the backend that is automated (can be turned on or off) which uses the internal messaging or external email to remind the teacher after a set amount of time after a scheduled class to take attendance.  This way Attendance Managers do not have to constantly message individual teachers to record attendance should they forget.
  2. and a second which can be configured on the backend as a template but which Attendance Managers have the ability to manually send, much like the current messaging button that exists adjacent to the class & teacher that hasn't recorded attendance, albeit in a single click.  The difference here is that a default template could be configured which didn't require the Attendance Manager to manually copy & paste this message each time they need to send a reminder message.
  • Alex Orlebeke
  • Aug 3 2018
  • Attach files
  • Kirstin McDonald commented
    October 09, 2024 23:40

    I think this can be merged with this idea which has been implemented.

  • Sandra Ross commented
    May 31, 2023 13:49

    This would save the attendance mgrs time of texting, emailing or calling teachers to remind them they have not taken attendance yet.

  • Kevin Harig commented
    September 20, 2021 15:57

    Automated class attendance reminders native to the Blackbaud SIS would be a huge enhancement for us. We also use a manual process to monitor and alert faculty when they have not taken attendance.

    Since the data exists in the database, we have went to great lengths to automate this process, but a native notification system would be preferred.

    I like Alex's suggestions, both one and two, though my prevailing need could be as simple as the SIS sending automated notifications at the end of a class period, or top of every hour, or end of school day, etc., that simply reminds teachers to take attendance when they have not done so yet.