Modal window when clicking on a student via Student Attendance should be editable

Modal window when clicking on a student via Student Attendance should be editable . If you go to Academics > Attendance > Student Attendance, you're able to click on any student's name from this screen. A new modal will pop up with additional details for that specific student. You should be able to edit the attendance information/notes that displays in this modal instead of having to visit the student's Academic Profile or find all instances for this particular student to edit from the Student Attendance screen

  • Guest
  • Aug 29 2018
  • Attach files
  • Elizabeth Smithwick commented
    September 05, 2018 13:09

    This is a great idea!  Hope to see it implemented soon.

  • Guest commented
    August 30, 2018 12:49

    Yes to this idea!!!!!!

  • Anne Parker commented
    August 30, 2018 12:45

    This is a GREAT idea!! Please make the change!

  • Bill Doerr commented
    August 29, 2018 20:21


  • Connie Mansour commented
    August 29, 2018 20:08

    I support this idea. I am trying to vote!!