The system should automatically re-check prerequisites at the end of the year to ensure course requests entered previously based on semester grades actually ended up meeting the final grade prerequisite.

This way, course requests can be entered during the school year, which gives schools more ability to spread out the master rollover and scheduling process. As it currently stands, if course requests are entered and a school uses an earlier semester marking period as the determining factor for prerequisites, but then at the end of the year changes it from that earlier marking period to the Final marking period, the system doesn't automatically catch those who met the prerequisite at the semester mark but slipped below it by the end of the year. Therefore, students are in courses that they didn't finish the year qualified to take. As a result, schools currently have to manually run a report of final grades and catch students who slipped below the prerequisite with their eyes. For larger schools and/or schools with more challenging prerequisites for upper-level courses, this is incredibly time consuming and opens the door to a lot of human error. 

  • Chris O'Hara
  • Mar 14 2019
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