Ability to Send Official Note without Student notification

When we send out an Official Note, we would like to be able to not include the student on the communication, but still retain a record of it in their record.
  • Deleted User
  • Oct 2 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    2 Oct, 2015 03:55pm

    This isn't quite what I asked for. I asked for: 


    We're asking for the option to send an official note about an individual student to that student's teachers, in addition to his or her advisor and/or dorm parent, without the student or parent seeing the note.
    What our health team is having to do now, is figure out who the specific student's teachers are, add them individually to an email, and email the teachers. This prevents a record for being created in the student's profile and is also more work for us.