Ability to calculate Academic Performance for an individual student

We should have the ability to calculate or recalculate Academic Performance for an individual student, like we could in EE.  It also helps when I need to test a new calculation.

  • Jennifer Nakanishi
  • Jan 3 2020
  • Attach files
  • Kim McAmis commented
    2 Apr, 2024 01:58pm

    We would also like the ability to delete the academic performance from an individual student's profile. Sometimes the students earn the appropriate grades but a disciplinary issue prevents them from actually receiving the honor.

  • Guest commented
    15 Jan, 2020 09:00pm

    Absolutely!  When an Incomplete grade is finally entered, you don't want to calculate an entire grade level's academic performance for one student!  Or grade changes too when there are errors that need to be corrected.