combine grade plan grades into one column

We use different grade plans for PE, Fine Arts and Academics. In the new report card builder each grade has to be in its own column. It looks OK for a quarter but as soon as you have multiple grading terms showing up on a cumulative semester or year report card you get too many columns. On a year report card for our middle school I would need 16 columns.

  • Guest
  • Oct 18 2021
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  • David Gillespie commented
    13 Oct, 2022 03:38pm

    I'm surprised this hasn't been voted up higher; I would suspect that more schools experience this problem. In the old report card builder, I created three columns and got a choice of which grade to include from each grade plan per column. Now I have to create nine columns because the grade is selected first. Maybe I'm missing some configuration that lets you merge multiple columns into one, but I can't use the new report card until this is fixed. Example below of our "old" configuration - worked great.