improve functionality of learning profiles

I wrote about the learning profiles years ago now and no movement has been made. None of the ideas suggested are marked as "under consideration", "needs review" or even "will not implement". It is clear through ideas and feedback I read that there is a need for this. The learning profile templates are not helpful. As of now we are only using the Learning Plan feature to mark that students have plans so teachers know to look and we are storing them in another location, which is an extra step for our teachers. The main issues we have are:

It is impossible to edit a student's individual plan. The template options are too rigid and can be visually difficult for teachers. We've played around with the options and none of them work for us. It is also difficult for those writing the plans because we can't make changes to individual plans and would have to make complete new ones any time there is a change to a student's profile.

Some ideas that could improve this 1: allow for uploading our own template and include a feature that makes it possible to edit individual student plan edits. 2: allow for uploading pdf our own learning plans so we can use our own word template and make edits using our own word processing software.

  • Hannah Abelman
  • Aug 29 2022
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    • Admin
      Michael Morrissette commented
      June 28, 2024 19:22

      Hello Folks -

      I'm happy to report that we are beginning to look at the Learning Profile workflow and how we can begin to make some feature improvements in this area. There's a lot going on with Learning Profiles and our first endeavor involves creating a more centralized location to access Learning Profile information.

      If you would like to share you experience with using Learning Profiles and relay feedback on a prototype of a potential action hub, feel free to use the link below to schedule a meeting with the team.

      Scheduling Link:


    • Guest commented
      June 29, 2023 16:24

      I very much agree! I would love the option for a summary of what the LP is in place for when a teacher hovers over the LP bubble on individual student pages. There are too many steps and this is not conducive to my work to manage accommodations and ensure that all faculty are aware of what each student's individual needs are.

    • Amanda Polson commented
      March 27, 2023 18:28

      I am just exploring the Learning Profile capabilities and finding it quite bulky and awkward. It also forces users to load a PDF to access the learning profile which seems unnecessary. Either I should be able to load up our own PDF that has the formatting and information we need, or we should be able to view the completed form as part of the student profile without having to create a PDF each time (of course with the option to download a PDF if needed).

    • Mia Ek commented
      December 14, 2022 17:33

      We currently create a google document and add the link into the learning profile. Is there a way to make the learning profile a link?

    • Vi Richter commented
      October 17, 2022 17:09

      We really want to use this feature but you can't even copy an existing template to create a new one. We really need good old-fashioned word processing ability within learning profiles. Parents and admins are very concerned about learning profiles and there are legal requirements. Please consider moving some improvements into the roadmap.

    • Guest commented
      October 04, 2022 10:48

      This functionality update is absolutely needed and even some small effort towards improving this would be a large improvement. Blackbaud seems to regularly push us towards looking for 3rd party solutions (which they almost never integrate with) and it is starting to make us wonder why we are using an all-in-one solution that isn't all-in-one.

    • Andrew Teets commented
      August 30, 2022 15:31

      Agreed - the LP section is far too rigid to the point of almost being unusable.

      Hope this gets some traction this time.