Gradebook Grade List should present the correct semester teacher for full year courses rather than the first Semester teacher.

Gradebook Grade List should present the correct semester teacher for full year courses rather than the first Semester teacher.

We have a full year course where the first semester has one teacher and the second semester has a different teacher. The gradebook grades list currently only lists the teacher from the first semester. I propose that the teacher listed should be the one from the semester you are requesting grades from so if you are looking at Q2 grades you should see the first semester teacher. If you are looking at Q3 grades you should see the second semester teacher. This would make it easier to contact the correct teacher as an administrator rather than having to look it up. Also it's just presenting incorrect information because that first semester teacher is not teaching that class in the second semester and those grades don't belong to them.

  • Angela Kunz
  • Mar 13 2024
  • Attach files
  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    13 Mar, 2024 01:08pm

    Ditto what Seth posted. I feel like this is related to this other Idea:

    K12OC-I-3412 - Ability to pull current lead teacher on reports, not lead teacher at the start of the course

    It feels like various areas of the system pull the Teacher name from different spots, which means they aren't always accurate for courses that have multiple or changing teachers.

  • Seth Battis commented
    13 Mar, 2024 12:27pm

    Observationally, we've been seeing similar behavior in a number of aspects of how Blackbaud manages course changes by term. It seems like there are just some things that are tied to the year, even when they are -- in reality and data -- term-based.

    We noted a similar issue around assignment creation and term teachers in this idea.

    We're in the midst of a debate with Blackbaud about how zero-credit courses are represented on our transcript (we bought a custom transcript, back when those were available), and our observation has been that the year has to end for zero-credit courses to be appropriately excluded -- even if they were in a previous term that, itself, has ended.

    Seems like something deep (and flawed) in "is this the current data for this term?" algorithm.