I would like to be able to see changes to medical information in report or list form

Presently it is not possible to view changes to medical information the same way other profile fields can be monitered in Profile Changes. I would like the ability to run a report or pull a list of changes made to Medical information and the Nurses Office.

  • Tim Walker
  • Feb 24 2016
  • Attach files
  • Bradley D'Hondt commented
    October 16, 2024 18:30

    This is very important as the 7-day change doesn't give the details, only the fact that there was a change. This needs to be implemented with a previous value and current value of changes such as dosage, etc.

  • Peggy McBean commented
    April 18, 2017 19:48

    This is an important request, currently it is not possible to retrieve history of medical updates.  There is a "7-day" notification window and then the history is very difficult to track.  For something as important as medical information, tracking history is critical.