Increase Screen Font Size

Many people in our organization complain that the on-screen font size is too small.  This comes up particularly when we are in grading periods... for teachers entering comments, and then more so when our deans are working on reading/proofing comments.   It would be great if the font size could be bigger.   (Note:  we prefer not to use the ZOOM feature in the browser because then you have to scroll too much to see all of the text on the screen.

  • Kate Feiring
  • Apr 9 2016
  • Attach files
  • Adele Armstrong commented
    November 25, 2020 19:37

    It would be great to be able to print reports and applications in a larger font size. Applications and reports are single spaced and very small.

  • Tracy Dodge commented
    April 15, 2020 02:02
  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    February 27, 2019 14:55

    This is especially true for teachers entering ASSIGNMENTS...the Title and Description text is tiny and very hard to read. We require our teachers to enter their assignments, so control over the text boxes would be incredibly helpful!

  • Gail Casey commented
    January 29, 2019 19:40

    We have the same concern for both teachers entering comments and those of us who have to read/review them. The font size is so small that we have to Zoom and then as mentioned, we have to spend extra time scrolling.

  • Debby Pigman commented
    December 08, 2018 23:21


    It would be great if the box were bigger to display more information.

     Now, you need a microscope to read the text.

  • Debby Pigman commented
    December 08, 2018 23:20

    Now you have to have a microscope to see the text in the box.

    It would be great if the box were bigger to display more information.

  • Scott McLetchie commented
    December 07, 2018 14:56

    Please implement this! The default size is too small to read.

  • Guest commented
    May 25, 2018 19:04

    We have kids with dyslexia complaining about the font. It would be handy if individuals could change the font type and size to suit what they need.