Attendance Tab in onRecord People Finder should offer an Attendance Summary view similar to the view on the Student's Progress page

The attendance record on People Finder is sorted by group type and excused versus unexcused items, but the attendance summary on the student's Progress page displays total Absences and Tardies, regardless of group type or whether the absence/tardy is excused or unexcused.

Since the attendance summary on the Progress page is the view the student and parent sees, it would be helpful for the same view to be easily accessible by the attendance manager on the onRecord People Finder attendance tab. Our school has a hard time reconciling the absences and tardies a parent sees with the excused and unexcused items that the attendance manager sees.

It would great if the numbers the parents see align with the numbers the attendance manager sees without having to navigate to a report or to the student’s progress page. Undoubtedly, the parent is on the phone with the attendance manager who is trying to answer questions and not having easy access to the absence and tardy totals the parent sees makes reconciliation very difficult. Adding the absence and tardy totals to People Finder will surely streamline these inquires.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2016
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