I would like the pre-requisites tab to include both any/all conditions. For example, a student must be enrolled in any chemistry course (i.e. Chemistry, Chemistry Honors, or Forensics) and also enrolled in any precalculus course (Precalculus or Precalculus Honors). Right now if you select "Any" the student would only have to meet one of the conditions not both.
We desperately need this to be implemented! We have upper level science classes that require biology or summer biology and chemistry or summer chemistry. The summer classes are different because they don't count for credit only for acceleration, so currently we can't use any prereqs for those upper level science classes they all must be entered manually. It is a huge pain and I can't believe that we are the only school who continues to have this issue.
We also have a great need for this! Several of our courses require a science course, which could be honors or advanced AND a math which could be honors or advanced.
For example:
AP Computer Science A: student must complete Exploring Computer Science 1 AND must have received a 85+ in Honors Algebra 1 or 90+ in Algebra 1.