Families are claiming that they aren't aware of their past due balance in a prior session, and this becomes an issue for historically delinquent families, especially when they are approved to return to the school. In Tuition Management a historical record of their balance is in the top right corner in a blue grid (see attached) and this would be beneficial for parents to see as well.
Another option is to have a sentence at the top of the Parent Site, below the Family ID and student(s)' names, that states, "The balance due in prior years at *** school is $___. Even if it's $0.00, it's important for the family to know.
Yes agree = this upgrade to the parent portal will help families with prior year balances become more aware of the commitment / liability they have (running total). I am hopeful this system change is quick and straight forward since the technology already exists on the administrative / school portal view.