Sibling Tuition Discounts

Many families have multiple students attending the school. Every year, a lot of hours are spent identifying and calculating sibling discounts to student tuitions. Can a tool be developed and implemented to automate this process.

We are a Preschool -12th grade school and have a range of tuition rates depending on what grade a student is in. For families with two students attending the school, a 5% discount is applied to the lesser of the two student tuition amounts. For families with three or more students attending the school, a 10% discount is applied to each of the three students tuition amounts.

It would be ideal if the sibling discount criteria could be configured, the discount function run, and the tuition discounts applied to the effected student tuitions after a review of the data was approved by a school employee with a tuition Management admin role.

Please see examples below.

Example 1:

A family has two students attending the Preschool -12th grade school. One student is in 7th grade and one student is in 11th grade. 7th grade tuition is less than 11th grade tuition; therefore, a tuition discount of 5% will be applied to the 7th grade student's tuition.

  • 7th grade tuition = $1000 and 11th grade tuition = $2000

    • $1000 x .05 = $50 Discount

      • 7th grade discounted tuition = $9950

      • 11th grade tuition will stay the same = $2000

Example 2:

A family has four students attending the Preschool -12th grade school. The students are in 5th grade, 6th grade, 8th grade and 10th grade. A 10 % discount will be applied to each of the students tuition because the family has three or more students at the school.

  • 5th grade tuition = $500, 6th grade tuition = $1000, 8th grade tuition = $1000, 10th grade tuition = $2000

    • $500 x .10 = $50 Discount (5th grade)

    • $1000 x .10 = $100 Discount (6th grade)

    • $1000 x .10 = $100 Discount (8th grade)

    • $2000 x .10 = $200 Discount (10th grade)

      • 5th grade discounted tuition = $450

      • 6th grade tuition will stay the same = $900

      • 8th grade discounted tuition =$900

      • 10th grade discounted tuition =$1800

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  • Apr 9 2024
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