Allow the creation of Resource Boards for other roles/personas: Candidate & Parent of Candidate; Parent of Alumni; Grandparent; etc.

We especially want this for our candidates and parents of candidates because we have many resources specifically for them.

  • Lily Thompson
  • Nov 16 2015
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Anne Chen commented
    15 Jul, 2024 08:54pm

    Wonderful! Looking forward to setting up a Resource board for parents of candidates!

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    15 Jul, 2024 12:34pm

    Woo hoo - thank you!!!

  • Admin
    Jessi Walters commented
    14 Jul, 2024 04:56pm

    Hi all! This is planned for release on Tuesday! The new setup will allow you to publish resource boards within the same personas (Student, Parent, Faculty, Alumni) but additional roles and levels will be included. See the release notes for details about the Pre-enrollment and Post-enrollment levels to which posts can be published; the additional candidate, parent of candidate, and parent of alumni roles that are included; and how to check roles & tasks to manage access for the newly included users.

  • Karla McNamee commented
    23 May, 2024 12:04pm

    Yay for "Under consideration" finally!

  • Dana Blavat commented
    22 May, 2024 08:12pm

    YES! Necessary for candidates

  • Hiram Cuevas commented
    21 May, 2024 01:49am

    There are so many wonderful comments and suggestions that would make this worthy of consideration. @CarolynStevens captures the essence well and provides some wonderful items to consider. Would this be a value add? Absolutely. Would it benefit other constituents? Once again, absolutely.

    Parent of Candidate/Candidate FOR SURE; this is a no-brainer

  • Carolyn Stevens commented
    20 May, 2024 10:13pm

    I love this idea and voted it up, because Resource Boards still need a lot of work. That said, I can see where this has the potential to get very tricky and perhaps overwhelming to manage a whole bunch of different resource boards for the amount of user types suggested here. I have a few thoughts in support of this idea, some of which are not quite fully formed:

    1. Parent of Candidate/Candidate FOR SURE; this is a no-brainer

    2. Maybe on a specific Parent of Alumni - there are better engagement tools than the SIS, and here, we see really high interest as their child is graduating, then it wanes quite sharply 1-2 years out.

    3. The ability to auto-assign Friend role as part of the offboarding flow for parents, faculty, staff

    4. Allow schools to "self-create" subsequent types with a limit (e.g. 2 more additional beyond the original 4).

      1. This could either be a completely customizable (I want a RB persona call 'Leadership' and I am pulling in Governors, Trustees, and School Administrators)

      2. OR have a prescribed bucket of persona-based RBs to add as one-offs (Candidate/Parent of Candidate)

    Beyond that, some "right now" tips that may be helpful in the management of these (take 'em or leave 'em):

    • Create secure content blocks within various tiles on the Friend resource board. This way, you can limit visibility more granularly by role (e.g. Trustee). People will see the tile, and maybe some basic text you have at the top of a detail page, but you can control almost everything you want with this approach

    • We decided a couple of years ago to allow our Parent of Incoming to see everything a parent sees. At that point, they are committed to joining us, and those more inclined to dig around may benefit from all the content - we make sure the most time-sensitive stuff is at the top, which usually relates to both groups.

  • Lauren Henderson commented
    20 May, 2024 03:24pm

    This would be extremely helpful to streamline communications!

  • Kathleen Steinman commented
    20 May, 2024 03:03pm

    YES!!! We need this!

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2024 02:58pm

    Totally agree with Parents of Incoming role! They don't need to see everything a Parent of Student sees yet and letting them see a "get ready" resource Board would be could have the Tuition Management link and helpful info about the coming year...and we would not have to have the info on our website any longer : )

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    20 May, 2024 02:37pm

    We have a HUGE need to be able to post resources for 'other' roles that are outside the roles having access to Resource boards. Even if there were a Resource board available for the 'All School' role, we could control access accordingly through the content categories. This would allow us to post resources for roles we need to reach (Parents of Candidates, Parents of Alumni, Parents of Past Students, Trustees, etc.) without having to give them a cloned 'Friend' role just to access the Resources!

    I'm brining @Jonathan Tepper's comment back up to the top...this is a widespread demand!

    There are many other ideas just like this one, if you take votes from those and this one, this would be the biggest request by far. For example, there is:

    I am sure there are more. Admin, please merge and push for this to be under consideration.

  • Sondra Berry commented
    7 Sep, 2023 01:23pm

    We have a link to Blackbaud Tuition Management on our Resource Board for parents. The second we graduate their children, they no longer have access to any of the Resource Boards which means they lose the link to pay their remaining bills! An "All School" Resource Board would be very helpful.

  • Mariana Lemcovich commented
    16 Jun, 2023 02:37pm

    We really need a Resource Board for the Board of Trustees. Today, the Trustees share the "Friend" persona along with Grandparents and other friends. Their needs are pretty different...

  • Kimberly Fradelis commented
    17 Apr, 2023 09:09pm

    I would love a different resource board for Parents of Incoming Students

  • Kylie Shay commented
    15 Mar, 2023 02:07pm

    I would love a Parent of Incoming Student role so that way enrolled parents can get access to a limited amount of resources and get used to the parent view of Blackbaud without the full access information that is available to current families.

  • Guest commented
    8 Feb, 2023 09:09pm

    This will very much needed for UWC Costa Rica.

  • Jonathan Tepper commented
    28 Sep, 2022 05:16pm

    There are many other ideas just like this one, if you take votes from those and this one, this would be the biggest request by far. For example, there is:

    I am sure there are more. Admin, please merge and push for this to be under consideration.

  • lauren marcus eisenberg commented
    23 May, 2022 04:37pm

    This would be a tremendous value add for us!

  • Amber LeJeune commented
    30 Mar, 2022 03:45pm

    Any movement on this?

  • Karla McNamee commented
    26 Jan, 2022 06:38pm

    We really need this to happen for our candidates and parents of candidates!

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