For sports participation our nurse has a form with questions regarding wearing glasses, a brace of any type, had concussions, prior broken bones or sprains and other questions. We can not currently use a medical form for this because we can't ask those questions but we don't want to use a non-HIPPA compliant school form.
Yes!!! This is so necessary and has made it an absolute nightmare for our school and parents to try and navigate the past 2 years.
Yes please!!!
This is the only form template that doesn't have "Form Field" for data collection.
We assemble about 100 emergency med kits each school year for students with a need for field trips just at our upper campus. To simplify this, we would like to add a couple of questions to our medical form asking if the student will require emergency medication (epipen, inhaler) for travel on a field trip. We would also like to be able to pull the student's emergency med needs quickly from the system to assemble kits for various groups who are travelling.
What is the point of the medical form if you can not ask all your medical questions. Please add form fields as an option.
This is absurd that this isn't an option already. The blocks within the medical form are completley lacking. This is causing a huge issue within our school.
Yes, this is really crucial. All school form types should have access to the "Form Field" element.
This quarter we are giving all students COVID antigen tests to take at home every single week. They are asked to upload a photo of the test and let us know of the result. Because we needed an upload file and because it was "medical" information we set up a Medical School Form to collect that information. Without the "Form Field" element, we exposed one of our Custom Fields (since that is available in the "User Regarding" section) to have a field where parents can type in "negative" or "positive".
Every week, I have to import a file to clear out the custom field and then when analyzing the data we need to do some cleanup as parents will type variations on the words ("neg", "nagative", "-", "no", "not detected", etc...)
All this extra work could have been alleviated by giving us access to the "Form Field" element.
Yes! We need to be able to add additional questions to the medical forms.