Merged idea

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Request for more customized fields Merged

I would like to have the option to use more than 10 custom user fields for the profile. Preschool has certain fields they want that are very different from our K-8 profiles so I would love to be able to create more user fields.
  • Dyvar Anderson
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Sylvie Andrews commented
    16 Dec, 2016 07:22pm

    We need more control over Profile fields in general: more ability to specify whether a given profile field is drop-down (i.e. standardized values), text, or yes/no, etc. -- like we had in Configuration--> Tables in EE. We also need better capabilities for importing into these fields (either through a "Data Refresh" or a true user-performed import).

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    24 Mar, 2016 01:43pm

    Hi Dyvar,

    We added the ability to add more custom fields that are available to the platform manager for users and addresses as well as courses, offering and room.  See details here from the July 2015 release notes.

  • +1