Convert student to past candidate

We have to enroll new users (when they accept their contract) as students to prep for the upcoming year. They can later decline enrollment before the start of school. We need the ability to convert a new 'student' to 'past candidate' since they technically have never been to our campus. It does not make sense to mark them as 'past student' when they were not an actual 'student'.

  • Mimi LaMendola
  • Aug 9 2022
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Brian LeBlanc commented
      August 11, 2022 12:17

      One other thing to keep in mind: if you had assigned the student to a class, you won't be able to withdraw them to the Past Candidate role. You'll need to go into Academics and mark all assigned classes as "Error" (which removes any trace of the student ever having been assigned to the class), then when you go to withdraw in Core you'll be able to withdraw directly to Past Candidate.

    • Sarah Bienvenue commented
      August 10, 2022 23:34

      Hi Mimi, when you withdraw those students, you will be given the option as to which role they should end up in. If they're in the incoming student role, you are able to "undo" the incoming student option and keep them as candidates (and de-activate them if need be). Support can help walk you through this if need be.

      Thank you,
