Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OB-I-3 Data Polishing for Inquiries and Applications (automatic data formatting).

Form field validation options Merged

Please add the ability to control input for fields in the forms.  Allowing people to enter free text creates an incredible amount of data clean up work that could easily be avoided by supplying a few options.  For example allow "Titles" and "Suffixes" to be drop down lists, allow phone numbers to be restricted to specific characters (numbers, dashes, parenthesis and spaces) or better yet allow us to choose a common format and the user to enter only numbers.  To make my point I'd like to share the seventeen different formats in which we received phone numbers this year.
1 (123)4567890
1 (123) 4567890
1 (123)456-7890
1 (123) 456-7890
1(123) 4567890
1(123) 4567890
1 123 456 7890
1+123 456 7890

Cleaning up phone numbers, email addresses, zip codes, tiles, suffixes and other fields that users populate in forms is a giant waste of time and can easily be avoided with some more robust options on the forms.

  • Gregg
  • Apr 4 2016
  • Under consideration
  • Guest commented
    April 18, 2016 19:24

    YES PLEASE!!! WE had someone put phone numbers in the Prefix field today in their application. So much cleanup to do.