Currently, teachers use Google Classroom to grade assignments and quizzes, then retype the grade to Blackbaud. We need a way to sync grades between Google Classroom and Gradebook.
We need an easy way to sync with Google Classroom. There are too many steps with Google Assignments and it is very confusing for students and teachers.
I agree with the sentiments exrpessed here. The current Google Assignments option isn't terrible, but it isn't as good as using Google Classroom.
The ideal situation would be that anything posted to Google Classroom as an assignment is automatically posted and updated in Blackbaud. The assignment would appear the same if viewed in Google Classroom or Blackbaud. Additionally, if graded in Google Classroom, the grade would automatically sync to teacher gradebook.
This is a critical need. BlackBaud's Sales team seriously oversold the integration with Google, telling us we could continue using Google Classroom as we have been and the grades could be dumped into the BlackBaud gradebook (I have the recorded webinar where they said this). That doesn't appear to be true, you have to use the lame in comparison Google Assignments not Google Classroom. Our last SIS Rediker could do this, if I were BlackBaud I would be sorely embarrassed by this and make space in the roadmap for it with a quickness. Some product manager probably keeps deprioritizing it because Classroom technically "competes" with BlackBaud's own LMS but that's short sighted, please implement this promptly.
Can an integration be set up with gradetransferer ( to allow Google Classroom grades to sync with the onCampus Gradebook?
Please implement this ASAP! Our teachers would be so much happier.
Agree. 100%
We need an easy way to sync with Google Classroom. There are too many steps with Google Assignments and it is very confusing for students and teachers.
I agree with the sentiments exrpessed here. The current Google Assignments option isn't terrible, but it isn't as good as using Google Classroom.
The ideal situation would be that anything posted to Google Classroom as an assignment is automatically posted and updated in Blackbaud. The assignment would appear the same if viewed in Google Classroom or Blackbaud. Additionally, if graded in Google Classroom, the grade would automatically sync to teacher gradebook.
This is a critical need. BlackBaud's Sales team seriously oversold the integration with Google, telling us we could continue using Google Classroom as we have been and the grades could be dumped into the BlackBaud gradebook (I have the recorded webinar where they said this). That doesn't appear to be true, you have to use the lame in comparison Google Assignments not Google Classroom. Our last SIS Rediker could do this, if I were BlackBaud I would be sorely embarrassed by this and make space in the roadmap for it with a quickness. Some product manager probably keeps deprioritizing it because Classroom technically "competes" with BlackBaud's own LMS but that's short sighted, please implement this promptly.
Seriously need this
critical need
Can an integration be set up with gradetransferer ( to allow Google Classroom grades to sync with the onCampus Gradebook?
CRITICAL NEED. Especially since the Account Exec team claimed 4 years ago this already worked via OneRoster (it doesn't.)
Other LMS /SIS have made this work -
Infinite Campus, Syward, Facts - we need this for Blackbaud.
I think it will of great help for teachers to link G classroom to BB Gradebook.r.
Br. Tran