Email All

I would like the ability to "Email All" Parents for a particular student. Currently if I impersonate a teacher and go to a class roster page such as Arts Publications (Yearbook) and for a Student click on View Relationships, the teacher has the ability to Message All but can not Email All -- which is what we are looking for.
  • Guest
  • Sep 2 2015
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  • Scott Yoshimura commented
    June 21, 2019 00:08

    We implemented this (and dozens of other features, including the ability to select specific students in a roster to send emails to) via a user script.

  • Veronica Esclamado commented
    October 21, 2016 18:55

    The ability to quickly & efficiently communicate to our students' parents is very important to our teachers.  The messaging within the software is not as efficient as emailing directly. Even though the parent receives notification that he/she has a message, they still have to login to the website to access it. That extra step is a bottleneck in the communication chain.

  • Audrey Peebles commented
    September 11, 2015 04:58

    absolutely.  this is important, as the Messaging system is to wide open to use for our school.

  • +1