More formatting options in Report Card Builder

The text boxes in the report card builder have very limited options for formatting.  I would like the ability to add tables or copy and paste formatting from outside sources (i.e. Microsoft Word).  As it is, trying to get the report cards to look the way we want is a frustrating process, if not impossible.

  • Guest
  • Jun 14 2017
  • Implemented
  • Aug 8, 2018

    Admin response

    Improved formatting options for all areas of the report card have been implemented with our new report card builder that was made available to all onRecord sites in the July release. Users can now adjust formatting as needed for different areas using the builder.

  • Attach files
  • Brent Johnston commented
    July 04, 2024 20:25

    The formating in this message box is more robust than the system.

    See I can insert a table

    the grid lines remain aligned

    How can we not do this in report builder

    I have no idea who built the report card builder but the inability to add a simple text table is such a huge hole in the entire system.

  • Michell Kramer commented
    December 07, 2018 16:13

    Even with the improved options it is still insufficient.

  • Carol Ann Michaelson commented
    June 14, 2017 18:43

    The ability to format report cards/transcripts is a critical issue. At the very least we need the ability to adjust column widths, font size, and format within the text boxes. Please seriously consider adding these features.