Allergy and Medication Write in for School Forms

I want to request that you add a write-in allergy or medication field to a Medical School Form? I have a Medical Form I created that has both Medications and Allergies captured, but I would like an option that if there is an allergy that is not listed that the parent can write in what that allergy is.
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  • Sep 3 2015
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    • Kat Nelson commented
      July 31, 2024 13:04

      We still need this!

    • lauren marcus eisenberg commented
      September 24, 2021 16:03

      Yes! We struggle mightily with the dropdown list. For conditions, allergies, and mediations that are common (in our community, in any rate), the dropdown is workable. However, for the rare one, it is very exposing in that families can make conjectures about other students. (i.e., "oh, So-and-So must have "rare condition")

    • Anita Pinkerton commented
      February 02, 2021 15:42

      THIS HAS BEEN OUT HERE FOR SIX YEARS - this is a reasonable request. We have a list of allergies, but it is long and tedious as a drop down and I have no idea how parents can get through it. As with so many things that schools serving younger children need from this system, we are being ignored again. We are being ignored by not having grade levels on the emergency contact card, not having home address available for emergency contacts, not letting us edit the emergency contact card, not making a homeroom teacher available in all standard "lists" - it can be achieved through and advanced list by man is that a pain, I could go on. This system is not intended for elementary school.

    • Sarah Bienvenue commented
      October 12, 2020 17:34

      Hi everyone, we're working hard on updates in another area of the software right now, but this is on my list for next school year. As we get closer, I'll keep you all posted.

      thank you,

      Sarah Bienvenue

    • Guest commented
      August 05, 2019 21:27

      Does anyone even read this stuff?? Severe food allergies kill kids! But none of this is being addressed by administration? There has to be a way to make this work better. 

    • Lisa Funkhouser commented
      August 05, 2019 20:55

      I am sad to see this has been out here for 4 years and it has not been addressed. This is an important function. 

    • Guest commented
      June 11, 2019 12:44

      I wish they would make this fix. We are new to onrecord and this is our first year using forms. Seems completely ridiculous to allow us the ability to add options for medical forms but not have a text box to write in what is meant.  Parents are going to hate this! 

    • Guest commented
      June 07, 2019 11:01

      If there was a Form Field like the one used in Blank Form, then we could add any write-in allergy or medications.

    • Jama Keener commented
      May 11, 2018 14:05

      This will be our first time using the online forms.  I would like there to be an "other" line that parents can write in any allergies/conditions that are not currently in our "menu".  However, I would like to be able to "edit" spelling/wording.  Also, will it notify me when an "other" comes in?  Thanks!

    • Guest commented
      April 10, 2018 17:53

      I agree with the comments & as a workaround I added an "Other" as an option for the conditions and the allergies.

    • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
      April 08, 2018 17:38

      As we launch a new implementation of onRecord, we really need an ability for parents to be able to submit allergies and medications that are not already on the drop-down list!

    • Scott Daniel commented
      March 28, 2018 19:58

      I'm curious when Medical is going to have any improvements added.  I appreciate the workarounds offered here.



    • David Ogden commented
      February 03, 2018 00:13

      Especially since medical conditions allow for students to be diabetic, but deny the listing for insulin for medication - totally stupid.

    • Patrick Mulvehill commented
      August 29, 2016 19:39

      ...or at least a way to submit a medication or allergy for addition to the system.

    • Guest commented
      July 29, 2016 20:08

      I agree!  They need to be able to include whatever the "other" may be on this form so it is HIPPA compliant.  Emailing us an update doesn't qualify.

    • Kate Feiring commented
      May 12, 2016 21:47

      I agree with this.   We added an option called  "Other - contact School Nurse with details" as our workaround. And then hope the parent does so, in order for the Nurse to manually enter the new allergy/condition into the medical settings area.

      A notes area for Allergies and Medical Conditions -- similar to what is available in the Medical History block would be very helpful.

    • Guest commented
      September 29, 2015 14:38

      Our medical form seems to have a glitch where you cant submit it if you add an allergy or condition. We've been waiting a month to get this resolved!

    • Vincent Jurgens commented
      September 06, 2015 20:53

      I agree, and as a workaround I added an "Other" as an option. But the Medical Form currently does not show Notes field for Allergies and Conditions, nor Comments field for Medications. So parent could not clarify what was meant by Other. Had to clumsily direct them to Medical Tab of their children to edit their. If we heard that a parent used "Other."

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