Allow courses to be marked at Take Multiple times and have them show up when "Hide Course from Course List" is selected

We have several courses that should  be allowed to be taken multiple times.  If we select "Hide Course from Course List" in the Course Request setup, the course will not appear.  We do not want students to be able to take most courses multiple times, so it doesn't help to remove that exception in the setup.  We would like to see a setup similar to Education Edge where you could mark courses that could be taken multiple times.

  • Kathy Steinbrueck
  • Feb 16 2018
  • Implemented
  • Oct 3, 2023

    Admin response

    Course retake settings were added to courses in Sept 2023. These settings are respected in Courses Requests for students and parents and can be overridden by Admin users.

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    • Guest commented
      October 30, 2023 11:31

      Can we revisit this conversation now that the current SIS has a field for Course Retake in Departments and Courses? We would love to confirm if this is a dynamic field or if it is simply a data point?

    • Scott Chrysler commented
      December 08, 2021 17:38

      This is also an essential feature for the diploma module to function as effectively as possible. This was possible in EE.

    • Michael Petrella commented
      March 30, 2021 21:57

      This was in EE and was omitted from the newer SIS. Bizarre.

      Courses like Band, PE, Chorus are all repeatable and often are.

      The only workaround is to take a list of kids in the current course (such as Chorus) and bulk enter a course recommendation for them. It's a pain.

    • Sudha Joga commented
      September 16, 2019 18:18

      How are other schools handling this? Is there a workaround?

    • Kate Harden commented
      March 01, 2019 20:04

      Yes, we very much need this feature. As others have stated, many fine arts classes and select PE courses may be repeated for credit. This feature existed in Education Edge, so from a programming standpoint, it should be feasible.

    • Guest commented
      January 24, 2019 23:35

      Art, Band, strength and Conditioning. There are quite a few that students will take over again at my school. Please fix this

    • Guest commented
      January 24, 2019 22:37

      We really need this. Seriously, band and most art classes can be taken more than once, but Algebra cannot.

    • Guest commented
      February 21, 2018 18:59

      As it is currently implemeted, we either have to have all students see courses they have taken in the past, (which creates a headache for scheduling and credits because they can override the warning message), or we have to handle requests for those courses that can be taken multiple times outside of the regular course request process.