Option to bulk remove HTML formatting from comments

Currently, if teachers paste comments in from Google Docs or another web based document sharing site, there is a good chance they may accidentally bring HTML formatting with the comment, if they don't know to use 'Paste as Plain Text' (ref: https://kb.blackbaud.com/articles/Article/99999 ). We would like an option to remove this HTML formatting from comments, in bulk, either during or after they have been entered/pasted.

  • Joe St.Clair
  • Jun 10 2019
  • Attach files
  • Brian Hoyt commented
    5 Nov, 2021 07:52pm

    Even if the Plain Text input is chosen it allows for pasting of HTML but it is invisible. https://kb.blackbaud.com/knowledgebase/articles/Article/191174 This makes no sense.

  • Bradley D'Hondt commented
    18 Jun, 2021 01:45am

    Could we also get this to filter out tabs and other special characters please? Copying from Google Docs has inserted these this year and required manual cleanup.

  • Kim Hughes commented
    4 May, 2020 08:57pm

    Preach!!! I have comments that look correct in the old report card builder but now are missing spacing in the new one, no matter how many times we said copy plain text or don't copy from Google. And they used to recommend word instead but that's not an option anymore since most don't have it.

  • Claudia Gonzalez commented
    24 Jun, 2019 05:12pm

    This has become a large burden for our small number of grading managers, as most teachers use Google Docs to write and save their grading comments before pasting them into our BB LMS. This became a common practice because it is easier to collaborate with reviewers in Google Docs than it is in the BB LMS, which has restrictive writer/reviewer back and forth editing capabilities. Having to go through hundreds of teacher comments to clean up every instance of this pasting hiccup is a problem. 

  • Guest commented
    12 Jun, 2019 05:07pm

    Yes please!