Support changes to attendance in infractions

Currently a teacher may mark a student as 2 PT Absent Unexcused. This triggers the conduct system to email the student and advisor (in our system) about the 2 point infraction. The student then shows to class and teacher changes attendance to .5 PT Tardy (10 to 20 minutes). This does not change the original infraction nor add the new. A conduct manager has to somehow determine the change was made and manually update.

Our teachers are allowed to change attendance until late afternoon, making the infractions unreliable. If the system could have the option of emailing infractions from attendance for current day at end of day that would be ideal. Or if it would remove earlier infraction and replace with new if applicabe when changed, that would work too.

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2023
  • Attach files
  • Brian LeBlanc commented
    August 28, 2024 12:58

    This is also an issue when a reason is changed in Attendance - if an infraction is generated based on the number of absences, for example, a change from Unexcused to Excused (for example, if a student brings a note in after the fact) will generate a duplicate infraction.

  • Jason Whitaker commented
    March 14, 2023 13:15

    I would vote on this multiple times if I could! Allowing updates to attendance but triggering the rules immediately upon entry causes a number of these types of issues for us, and we can't rely on the conduct feature.