We have several students that have the same medication stored in multiple locations around campus. For example, a student with a severe, life threatening allergy might have 3 EpiPens on campus. The current system does not allow us to select EpiPen and more than one location (if the dates overlap). We currently have 6 locations (Emergency Supplies, Home, In Classroom, Lower School Office/Nurse, Middle School Office, and On Person). For example, we might have a Lower School student with an EpiPen in the classroom, with the nurse and in the emergency supplies. My current work-around is to have up to 6 medications in the dropdown list, then repeat the information in the location field 1) EpiPen (Emergency Supplies), 2) EpiPen (Home), 3) EpiPen (In Classroom), 4) EpiPen (Nurse), 5) EpiPen (Middle School Office), 6) EpiPen (On Person). It makes for quite a long list of medications. Can the relationship between the 2 fields be modified from a one-to-one relationship to a one-to-many relationship?