Currently, when you add Athletic clearance requirements, the date fields do not check to confirm that the dates entered will not expire. If a student hands in a valid Physical in September and it expires in October, the system will still recognise the student as eligible for play in October after their form is no longer valid.
It is now 2022. This was an idea in 2016. I have seen multiple idea posts with the same or similar requests. And yet we STILL have to keep up with this stuff outside of the high dollar software we pay for.
It's now May 2021 and this is still a problem!
An update to this would be very welcome! Here is a knowledge base article with more detail about this limitation:
It's December 2018 and this is still a problem. The entire Athletic Clearance feature is fundamentally broken. It asks you to input dates, but the system only cares about either school years or seasons. On the coach's side it only validates if a date has been inputted that year/season. At this rate, a simple yes/no check box would be more appropriate. But really, like many other features, managing Athletic Clearances outside onCampus with an Excel sheet is the only way to really do this.
Not checking the date in the field essentially breaks the functionality of the feature. If the law states that the physical is required annually and the physical is done on 12/2/2015, the student is eligible in parts of 2 different school years. This simple fact negates any usefulness of this feature. The code in C#
/// set now to todays date
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
/// set then to the date entered in the student record
DateTime then = new DateTime (1, 1, 2005);
/// get the difference between the two dates
TimeSpan diff = now - then;
/// set time unit to days
int days = diff.Days;
/// Test condition
If(diff.Days <= 365)
Obviously you would need to test for a leap year and adjust condition values.
A fantastic add-on feature would be to add a notifier to those whose physicals are over 11 months old.
Please make this a priority!