Adding a project code to a charge or credit

Currently the only way to add a project code to a charge or credit is to enter the charge or credit and then go to the student transactions and edit each record to include the project code. When adding 20 charges in a group it entails going through all 20 student records afterwards and editing the transaction. Very inefficient and can also lead to missed records.

  • Guest
  • Jan 11 2023
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    2 Aug, 2023 08:17pm

    A fee can have multiple project codes so adding on the fee code doesn't work for us.

  • Guest commented
    12 Jan, 2023 10:53pm

    Hi Julia,

    Sorry I couldn't see the attachments. We have miscellaneous fees like student trips that can have a variety of Project Codes so we need to be able to add them to the charge or credit.

    Best regards
    Debi Bell

    Appleby College
    Student Accounts
    (905) 845 - 4681 ext 130
    (905) 845 - 0617 (fax)

  • Admin
    Julia Meseck commented
    12 Jan, 2023 09:16pm

    Hi Debi -- Do you have the projects defined on the fees in the Billing year? If you add them on each fee in the GL Distributions tiles where you define the accounts, they should be added as part of the distribution string. Here's an example from my sample site for my tuition fee:

    And then on my tuition charge that I added to a student, the tuition revenue distributions have the project that has been pulled from the tuition fee.

    Shoot me a message if this isn't happening for you and we'll see what's going on.