Student Financial holds should not affect faculty and admins

The changes to Financial holds makes zero sense. If a family has a financial hold that student's records (report cards and transcripts) cannot be seen by faculty and admins unless they are Hold Managers. This is absurd. So teachers and advisors cannot do their job if a family has a hold? Why should that affect teachers in any way? Please change this ASAP. It has already impacted us on several occasions.

  • Guest
  • Aug 2 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Jeremy Smith
User IT Admin
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  • Gayle Josey commented
    4 Nov, 2021 05:37pm

    Please consider changing the options when a student is put on hold for financial delinquency so that faculty can see transcripts and report cards. Right now if a student is put on hold and marked not to see transcripts, report cards or grades, faculty is also blocked from viewing transcripts and report cards. It would be helpful If parents and students were the only ones blocked from transcripts and grades. Teachers and Guidance need to be able to view Transcripts, Report Cards and Grades at all times.

    Thank you.

  • Dawn Alonso commented
    2 Aug, 2021 08:22pm

    The purpose of the Financial Hold is so that the student cannot get their Report Cards or Transcripts when they owe the school money. It should have nothing to do with being able to input grades.

    A properly set up Hold System would tell the student that they have a Financial Hold on their account and tell them who to reach out to for further information. I know ours says "The student is on hold and is not allowed to send transcripts for the following reasons: Outstanding financial obligation. Please contact the Business Office to Resolve." There should really be no question as to whom they have to contact.