
Three areas that our medical center would like to see created in the Nurse's Medical module:

1. A portal that lists all students along with his/her daily meds so that one screen can be used to post when a student takes his/her daily medicine without having to go into the individual student record.  This would save time during the process when students are waiting in line to get to class.

2. In the Reason for Visit to have the ability to create templates with common symptoms that could be checked off during the assessment process.

3. Currently in Worklists, the field that we know as StudentID, a field that we can populate for our own use, is showing the UserID.  Having UserID that is generated on new record creation and the StudentID for what we would like to use it for would be beneficial showing up together in the Worklist.

Thank you,

Susan Currier

Proctor Academy

Andover, NH 

BB Reference: Medical Questions - 80475

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  • Mar 10 2016
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