Addresses and Legal names on Student Medical Contact Cards

Student Addresses and their legal names, not their nicknames, should print on the emergency contact cards. This information is essential for EMT's who are arriving to assist and for school personnel who may not be familiar with a students legal name. 

  • Mindy Stone
  • Sep 19 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 11, 2021 17:01

    The nurse should be able to create customized reports. The fact that the only real medical form doesn't show the student's home address is unfortunate. It'd also be great to have the option to enter dentist information. Take it from me, do not create a different form and change the name to dentist. It'll override your much more critical physician data.

  • Dawn Rossi commented
    August 25, 2018 21:03

    Yes!! If there's any place in the system that legal names should be used, it's on the Medical Contact Cards. At minimum, the student's legal name should be listed. Ideally, the legal name and nickname should be listed.