Blackbaud should have a parent support line for parents who are having trouble logging in via BBID.

With the new BBID authentication method, I can't see everything that may be happening with a user's account...whether they use BBID to access multiple schools, what their error might be, etc. Other tools, like Magnus Health, have a parent support line where customer service agents can help them. That would be very nice for Blackbaud to implement. Other than telling parents to use an incognito browser, clear cookies/cache, and reset their password, I am unable to assist them.

  • Lori MacConnell
  • Nov 16 2022
  • Attach files
  • Laura Fierce commented
    3 Jun, 2024 06:23pm

    It would be helpful to have a direct help line for parents. Especially now that Blackbaud has increased security with 2FA, we have several parents who have had their access cut off mid-year.

  • Guest commented
    24 Mar, 2023 05:17pm

    Also not sure why this is not available - we have SO many parents with questions and without an IT department, we are unable to provide support to them in a timely or accurate way. This leads to very upset and disengaged parents which affects us as a school.

  • Stacey Sandvoss commented
    15 Feb, 2023 05:44pm

    I find it difficult to understand why this isn't already an option. The amount of troubleshooting we have to do with parents - and the limited solutions we can provide - is significant enough to warrant this feature.