Option to choose which profile to keep

As a Platform Manager, I would like the ability to choose which record I wish to keep when using the Merge Duplicate Users tool. I would also like to have a better understanding of which profile data the system is looking at when it determines if someone is or is not a duplicate of someone else.
  • Deleted User
  • Aug 10 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 09, 2019 21:48

    The merge utility needs to be much more powerful. There are too many dependencies when a user is a candidate to get it to work. The merge utility should be more like in RE where you can choose which record to merge to which and select what data gets moved over. 

  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2016 17:50

    This is much needed. Because teacher data (class/grading info) cannot be merged into other types of user accounts, I really would like to see the ability to choose which direction the merge flows. Currently it is only able to flow from the newer record to the older one, which means if you have a teacher record for a person who was already in your core data as a different type of user, you are unable to merge the two accounts without losing some of the data or spending an inordinate amount of time disconnecting and reconnecting courses.