Ability to ADD ANOTHER applicant/student to an Inquiry form

Parents have often completed our online Inquiry form before we had onBoard and listed both or all 3 of the children with their birth dates and grade levels of interest on one form.  The onBoard Inquiry form does not allow them to add a second student/third student etc.  I don't think many parents would want to complete the same information over for each child at the inquiry stage.  Please add the ADD ANOTHER option for applicant as we have for parent/household.

  • Guest
  • Sep 4 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    4 Oct, 2022 06:40pm

    Yes, you have my vote for this!!! This feature is so important and it makes things easier for the parents and the admissions officer.

  • Laura Katz commented
    17 Dec, 2019 01:46pm

    PLEASE DO THIS! I can't believe this was suggested 4 years ago and it hasn't been implemented. Other software has this capability.

  • ami naik commented
    14 Dec, 2018 10:57pm

    YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!! please add this ability for parents to be able to fill out an inquiry for multiple kids. its ridiculous that parents have to fill out multiple inquiry when they are applying for two three kids at the same time. I know I can create a candidate if there is already an existing profile in the system of a parent or existing relations, but parents are not able to do this on their own. This really is no brainer. We should've had this options from the beginning. Obviously you always want to know if they want to apply for more than one child and it should not be time consuming for them to be able to type all the info multiple times.

  • Dawn Rossi commented
    3 May, 2018 11:21am

    Yes, please!

  • Kelly Wilde commented
    8 Jun, 2017 06:50pm

    This enhancement would be extremely helpful.  Most of my inquires simply add the additional children into the comments section, and then I am unable to count them nor track progress. Please add the option to ADD ANOTHER to the student inquiry section.

  • S Long commented
    16 Dec, 2016 11:32pm

    Maybe other schools are not using the Inquiry Forms but we have families completing our form with multiple children. Instead of filling out a separate form for each child, they are putting all of their children in one form. Then it becomes a nightmare for our Admissions staff to sort out which child's info was provided AND to garner the necessary info on the other children. PLEASE consider adding the ADD ANOTHER option for applicants. I know you have the software available because you have done it for the Household Addresses! PLEASE, PLEASE make this aspect of onBoard more user friendly.

  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    27 Oct, 2015 12:25pm

    This is hugely important- I'm honestly surprised it's not at the very top of the list.


  • Guest commented
    5 Oct, 2015 07:49pm

    Yes please add this function!