Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OB-I-489 Application: Conditional Questions.

Enable Conditional Required Fields : Regarding Households Merged

In Inquiries and Applications, we have difficulty getting the information we need from all individuals in a Household when households vary in size.

For instance, we may want to require that each person in a Household provide an e-mail address. But if we make that field “required” for both Parent/Guardian 1 and Parent/Guardian 2, and it’s a Household with only one person in it, they can’t go on without putting “N/A” or something in the required field.

This is cumbersome for the user and then for us when we clean up the data.

Right now, we only have “required” fields for Parent/Guardian 1, which means that people skimp on filling out the information for Parent/Guardian 2. Then we are left guessing as to their role, prefix, or first name, and are unable to use that data to properly complete a profile.


Edit: This idea was merged and marked as "implemented," but my understanding is that logic only applies to custom candidate questions, not to the issue of getting partial household information.

  • Ash Smelkinson
  • Sep 28 2015
  • Implemented