Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OB-I-3 Data Polishing for Inquiries and Applications (automatic data formatting).

Data validation: Require phone numbers to be entered in a chosen format, e.g., (502) 897-2785 or 502-897-2785 Merged

Restrict all phone number fields on the application to a certain format including dashes, e.g., (502) 897-2785 or 502-897-2785 and make the phone number field for the candidate a required field. 

There should be data validation on other fields, like email addresses. This should apply to when these are edited by current users in their profiles, or on the back-end as well by administrators.

  • Guest
  • Oct 7 2015
  • Under consideration
  • Gregg commented
    September 28, 2016 16:33

    This can be expanded way beyond just phone numbers.  The option to have pull down list with prepopulated data values for may items would be an immense time saver.  For example a recent emergency contact form was filled out with the relationship value "yes"

  • Nathan Kearney commented
    August 11, 2016 15:49

    In addition to this, as a user edits their information we would need the ability to write custom error messages to explain the formatting rules.

  • Guest commented
    May 03, 2016 13:17

    Agreed - I put in a request for this as well. 10 digits isnt ideal tho for international numbers. We would like to be able to set the length and then have it reformat to chosen format. Such as a string with no dashes, the dashes do not work well for intentional numbers as some countries have 2 digit or 3 digit country codes. 



  • Guest commented
    October 15, 2015 12:46

    Even better would be to simply reformat all numbers to given format. Just require that phone numbers be 10 digits, then choose a format to display them. Just store the numbers as 10-character strings.

  • +50