Add > 1 instance of an immunization

In New York [and poss. elsewhere], we need to track the number of certain immunizations that a student has received.   e.g. it's not enough to say 'Johnny has a current DPT'.    We need to say "Johnny has had four DPTs on these 4 dates, so he fulfills the requirement.'

  • john ronan
  • Jul 23 2018
  • Attach files
  • Nathan Fuller commented
    22 Aug, 2018 07:55am

    Yes, our nurse assures me it is a legal requirement in our state to have the records include the several dates a student has had an immunization. There seem to be multiple requests for this type of enhancement (expiration dates, status, etc). I can't really even come up with a good workaround that doesn't involve having totally separate records for this :(