Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-528 I would like the ability to change the days schedule after attendance has been taken.

Abiity to cancel classes after attendance has been recorded Merged

At this time if a school forgets to cancel classes and continues to record attendance then the only way to go back and cancel classes requires a data fix to remove recorded attendance. For example if today is 2/4/2016 and I forgot to cancel classes on 1/18/2016, then a data fix needs to be done to remove recorded attendance from 1/19/2016 - 2/4/2016 in order for the school to go back and cancel classes on 1/18/2016.

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2016
  • Ana Meneses commented
    10 Oct, 2016 08:21pm

    I agree with Beth, there should be a way to cancel classes for a previous day especially if there was no attendance recorded for that day. The message received states "Attendance has been recorded, therefore modifications to the schedule for this day cannot be processed" leads one to believe that the attendance it is referring to was for the specific day in question.