Change Manage Exclusions to exclude the report card, not the person

When I select a student to be excluded, I would prefer that no one can view that report card, not that that person can't view any report cards.  This gets tricky when we have employees who are excluded for whatever reason - we can't turn off teacher access to report cards, yet they shouldn't be able to see their own child's.  Similarly, when a child's report card is on hold, other teachers shouldn't be able to bring it up and print it out for the student.  So I'd love it if the access was blocked for the item not the person.

  • David Gillespie
  • Aug 29 2015
  • Implemented
  • Jul 29, 2021

    Admin response

    This functionality is available in the new Holds feature which replaced the previous exclusions in July 2021.

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    • john ronan commented
      October 02, 2018 18:04

      I agree: There should be restrictions on the *information*, not to various people.    

      Consider also the following to understand how complicated it gets:

      - restriction is put on a student and his [parental] relations 

      - the issue with the student is resolved so the restriction is removed from the student

      Now, the data manager needs to poke around and try to figure out who the kid's parents are and remove the restriction from them.   [UNLESS, of course, the parents are under restriction for another chlld].


    • Austin Ewachiw commented
      November 22, 2016 00:01

      It really defeats the purpose of exclusion, if our guidance team prints these in bulk and posts to Naviance. I've been told that this is how it was in EE.