Please consider adding a checkpoint in the inquiry and application forms to not allow users to enter the same email address for multiple users. Once BBID becomes required for BBEM, unique email addresses are required for each user, and it would be better to catch these at the point of data entry than later down the line. It would be better for users who share email addresses to just leave the second email address field blank than to enter a duplicate address.
Agreed. But, there also needs to be global option to prevent shared email addresses or not.
For us, I think we would choose to not allow shared email addresses. Every user should have a unique email address for so many reasons. We often have a parent request (or login and update/ submit) an email address change for their spouse to the same email (thinking, "we just want communications to the same place").. and fair, but that should be controlled by communication preferences. Email addresses are related not only to the Blackbaud ID login but also to the login for other systems to which we sync our data.
Especially since the move forcing everyone over to BBIDs, I have parents that absolutely insist on using "family" email addresses but want independent logins to their accounts.
They need to not be able to provide duplicate email addresses from the start.
Yes this would be great, both on the School users and the person inquiring or applying. This is creating issues with BBID.
This would be a huge help when processing inquiries if everyone could have a unique email from the start. I've spent a lot of time emailing and calling families for email addresses for their kids and sometimes people just don't respond.