Have Google Assignment Share with the teacher immediately without making additional copies or work

In Google Classroom, when a teacher shares a Google Doc, the teacher has the option to have it make a copy for each student. This copy is then linked to the assignment and the teacher can see all progress, etc. When the student is finished, they submit it, but the teacher has viewing access the whole time without additional sharing or copies.

In Google Assignment, students have to make their own copy and upload it. If the teacher wants access to the document through the project, then the student needs to first share an incomplete copy, the teacher returns it, and then the student and teacher have access through GA. Sometimes it creates multiple copies for the student when the teacher returns an assignment. Students have to find and delete extra copies. It would be great if GA could function more like GC in this area.

  • Karin Kennedy
  • Mar 25 2021
  • Attach files