Teachers have created assignments which are not meant to count toward the student's grade, so they are not added to the grade book.
Since the assignments are never graded, they will always appear as overdue in the student's Assignment Center.
Some parents have been looking over their children's shoulders at the assignment center, and gotten upset when they saw these apparently overdue assignments.
We would like a setting on the Edit Assignment screen that will prevent an assignment from appearing overdue.
Hey Folks -
I just wanted to let you know that this feature will be coming in the next couple of weeks. Once implemented, teachers will see a new checkbox given the assignment does not allow for online submissions that can marked that will allow the assignment to by-pass the Overdue status and instead implemented go into the 'Complete' status.
Be on the lookout in our What's New Communications as we'll announce there once the feature is made live.
Our parents complain about this feature, and it is confusing because a teacher will mark an assignment Missing if it's not turned in, but this feature makes a parent or student think something is not turned in when in fact it just has not had a grade entered yet.
This is a constant problem, especially when I use it for art assignments that students turn in on screen or via email. The assignment shows as overdue unless they submit something through OnCampus.
Very much needed! I know as a student this would drive me crazy, and I know it is driving some of my students crazy