Only send conduct emails to Conduct Managers in that division

We can filter the "Conduct Manager" role by division, and that controls the dashboard/approval view of conduct.  However, when an infraction email is sent out and the "Conduct Manager" role is checked for the email, ALL of our conduct managers (in all 3 divisions) receive the email.  We would like for the automated emails to go ONLY to the conduct managers for the student's division (Lower School, Middle School, Upper School), as is set in the filters for the Conduct Manager role.

  • Megan Morris
  • Aug 22 2017
  • Implemented
  • Feb 13, 2024

    Admin response

    This was implemented in October 2023.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jacqueline Koca commented
    September 05, 2024 16:19

    Art - can you create a case with Support? This has been released so if there is an example of it not working, Support can assist with getting that to my team to take a look at what occurred. Thank you!

  • Art Bryman commented
    August 31, 2024 00:03

    This is still not working, as of August 2024. A conduct manager not in the student's division (as per Access>Employment>School Level) received a conduct email.

  • Guest commented
    October 11, 2023 19:03

    You have Role Restriction filters so a user can view only infractions on their level but they get emails for all levels. I don't think that makes sense. Please consider this fix so we don't have to come up with more workarounds.

  • Annemarie Merow commented
    October 07, 2023 04:03

    Crucial update. I’ve had complaints from all three divisions and the heads can’t believe this is even an issue. I had to create a course in each division and add every student so that my conduct managers would be teachers of every student. Then I removed email from the conduct manager. Seems silly that a workaround is necessary.

  • Kathy Steinbrueck commented
    September 26, 2023 13:29

    This really needs to be addressed so that we can fully utilize the Conduct piece of onCampus. Sharing conduct with other campuses is not an option. Please separate so only the Conduct Manager for the particular school level will receive the notifications.

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    September 14, 2023 14:55

    We just ran into this issue at our school, and I found this idea - yay! But it has comments from up to 5 years ago - boo! Blackbaud - please bump this up the list for implementation!

    We had been using a work-around that involved creating Activity groups (based on each grade level) with our grade deans as the Leader, and selecting 'Activity Leader' to receive the infraction notification. This worked wonderfully, as each grade dean only received emails about students in their grade.

    But now we want to use the Activity groups for, well, our activities! And I'm realizing that this will wreak havoc with our infraction notifications, as all Activity Leaders would get emails about infractions for students in their activity--definitely NOT what we want to happen!

    So now I'm considering a different work-around that involves creating Advisory groups for our grade deans to be 'advisors' for all students in their grade. Hopefully this will work without too many negative side effects!

  • Jon Sonbuchner commented
    August 16, 2022 13:47

    We have many disciplinarians in many divisions and want/need for them to only see the people they are responsible for. The fact that emails are sent to everyone is distracting, unnecessary and exposes students information to people who do not need to know about it.

  • Jennifer Lange commented
    February 09, 2022 15:07

    We have 13 people with the role of conduct manager. One Dean per 3 divisions (US, MS and LS), and 10 who provide tech support for the users...Only the Dean should be getting the notifications/emails related to infractions in their own division.

  • josceline reardon commented
    January 14, 2022 14:23

    Please implement this idea! Our Division Heads are overwhelmed with the amount of emails they are receiving because they get them from all division conducts.

  • Don Myers commented
    December 01, 2021 15:40

    This idea needs to be moved on. Here's a big sticking point that might help. Conduct managers are typically the people who are division leaders, ie decision makers when it comes to things like re-upping Blackbaud as the LMS for the school. Do we want to continually irritate the decision makes with emails that could be eliminated?

  • Guest commented
    November 19, 2019 19:38

    This should be a given. I cannot believe Blackbaud did not include it. This should've been a no brainer. 

  • Julie Farr commented
    January 11, 2018 19:41

    Another note on this as our Division Directors continue to be upset about this. Using the filters and marking our Division Directors either LS or MS restricts their visibility to infractions, for example, the LS director can NOT see MS infractions. So I am baffled as to why Blackbaud would think that, if a school is set up this way (as we are), we would want emails describing these infractions going out to ALL Conduct Managers. I see this issue as a BUG and do not understand why it is not addressed and fixed.

    We have the infractions titled MS and LS to highlight the division so that Conduct Managers can ignore the ones they should not see. We should not have to rely on Email Rules (which we've had issues with) when the system should restrict these as they do the content.

  • Jamie Hardy commented
    November 13, 2017 20:19

    Another option is to Title the Infraction or Subject something with the School Level in is such as MS for Middle School. Then have an Email Rule that moves Infractions of other Levels such as HS Infraction to another Folder so you can only focus on the ones applicable to your School Level.

  • Julie Farr commented
    October 11, 2017 20:33

    Definitely Yes!  I assumed the filters for the roles limited these emails. We do NOT want lower school conduct managers getting emails about middle school and visa versa!

  • +1